
Sponsor Buddy 贊助一隻狗

Gender: Male 公

Age: 7 yo

Breed: Mixed 米克斯

Size: S 小型

Buddy is a 7 years old dog who was found on a drain by a group of students being completely paralyzed from his waist down. Buddy is a very special dog loved by many but feared by others. He can be the most lovable dog with the people he knows and trusts but he can be very scary for the ones he does not know.  Staff had to go through a long process to gain his trust but now after a lot of work done more and more people is able to approach him and even take him on walks in his wheelchair, which is his favorite thing in the world after his breakfast and dinner. 

巴迪是7歲的公狗,被一群學生在排水溝裡發現,他的腰部以下完全癱瘓。巴迪是一種非常特別的狗,很多人都喜歡他,但他卻很容易害怕。對於他認識和信任的人,他可能是最可愛的狗,但對於不認識的人,他可能很害怕。 員工必須經過漫長的過程才能贏得他的信任,但是現在,在經歷過許久之後,越來越多的人能夠接近他,甚至帶他用輪椅散步,這是他早餐和晚餐後最喜歡的事情。


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