

女生 / 7歲/ 米克斯

坎嘎被發現時在街上四處拖行後腿。 據鄰居說,她是被一輛肇事逃逸撞傷的。 她和其他3肢癱瘓的狗一起住在我們庇護所入口處的殘疾房間。 她可能對新朋友很害羞,但是一旦有人和她在一起並贏得她的信任,她就可能成為有史以來最甜蜜和最親切的女孩。 她喜歡坐在輪椅上散步,但她最喜歡的事情是在花園裡走動,聞著草叢。

Kanga is a 7 years old girl who was found on the streets dragging  her back legs all around. According to the neighbors she had been hit by a car leaving her paralyzed. She lives in our disable room at the entry of our shelter with other 3 paralyzed dogs. SHe can be very shy with new people but once someone spends time with her and gains her trust she can be the most sweet and affectionate girl ever. She likes to go for a walk on her wheelchair but her favorite thing is to move around the garden sniffing the grass. 


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