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  • 每年六次的更新近況信件。

  • 生活重大事件通知。

  • 每年一到兩次的影片更新。

  • 傳奇英雄專屬見面機會(預約制)。





Payment Options

Your recurring contribution will be processed automatically for the number of installments you specify. You can choose to cancel at any time. You will receive an email receipt for each recurring contribution. To modify or cancel future contributions please contact us at

Organization Details
Please include the name, and / or email address of the person you are honoring.
捐款基本資料 Basic Donor information

*Required field

ID Number, City, and Address field are required only if you are a resident of Taiwan and require a paper receipt mailed to your home. They are not required for payment processing.

If you prefer an electronic receipt, please select that option on the following page.


若需索取紙本收據(限台灣地區),需提供您的身分證字號 (居留證號) 以及完整地址。若您不需要紙本收據,則無需填寫地址欄位。

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