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Sponsor Chappy 贊助一隻狗


Gender: Male 公

Age: 14yo

Breed: Belgium shepherd 比利時狼犬

Size: L 大型

Fourteen years old boy who was surrounded by his owner more than 5 years ago. He is a very sweet dog with people he knows and can be very playful and cuddling. He has shown aggression towards other dogs and certain people. He can also be very reactive towards motorbikes or cars passing by and has developed a stereotyped behavior walking in circles when there is something in the environment that stresses him out.

Chappy has also a very severe case of hip dysplasia and asthma but, neither of them or his behavior stops him from being absolutely loved by the staff at DK; on the contrary he receives a very  special attention going for daily walks, getting special food, joint supplements and he also has an special house too. 

十四歲的公狗,在五年多前曾被前主人棄養。 他是一隻非常可愛的狗,喜歡跟認識他的人一起嬉戲和擁抱。 他對其他的狗和某些人可能會表現出攻擊性。 當環境中的某物使他感到壓力大或敏感時,像是經過的摩托車或汽車,會自然出現一直繞走圈圈的習慣行為。

Chappy的髖關節發育不良和哮喘病也很嚴重,雖有兩種疾病但DK員工仍然非常愛戴他。 他在日常散步,攝取特殊食物,關節補品方面受到非常特別的關注,並且他也有特殊的房子。

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