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Sponsor Kido 贊助一隻狗


Gender: Male 公

Age: 9 yo

Breed: Mixed 米克斯

Size: M 中

Nine years old boy who lost two of his feet on illegal traps. He is a very sweet boy, a little shy but friendly with people and other dogs. He lives in a kennel with other younger dogs and even though he gets along fine with them he is often seen on the corner of the kennel trying to stay away from the commotion. 

九歲的公狗因非法陷阱上失去了兩隻腳。 他是一個非常可愛的男孩,有點害羞但與人和其他狗友好。 他與其他幼犬一起生活在狗窩中,儘管他與它們相處得很好,但他經常在狗窩的角落,試圖遠離騷動。

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