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Sponsor Rusty 贊助一隻狗


Gender: Male 公

Age: 10 yo

Breed: Mixed 米克斯

Size: L 大

Rusty is a 10 years old big boy who unfortunately lost his right front leg and front left foot on illegal traps.  He is a little shy with people but can be very sweet after you spend just a few minutes sitting next to him. He is also friendly with other dogs although he prefers to keep to himself.

魯斯提是個10歲的大公狗,因非法陷阱失去了他的右前腿和左前腳。 他對人有點害羞,但在您坐在他旁邊幾分鐘後,可能會變得很親切。 儘管他更喜歡自己獨處,但他對其他狗也很友善。

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